Monday 2 July 2012

Indian Men’s Hockey team qualifies for the Olympics.

The Indian men’s Hockey team, managed to qualify for the Olympics after they beat France 8-1 in the final round of the qualification tournament that was held in New Delhi. This was a big moment for India as India has finally managed to qualify for the Olympics after many decades.

Furthermore, the team did not want to repeat what happened at the Beijing Olympics in 2008 where they missed the berth by a very small margin. This fact only pushed the team more to win as they managed to defeat France. The French team found it impossible to counter the Indian team’s relentless shots. So much so, that both teams earned seven penalty corners each.

However, players such as Sandeep Singh and SV Sunil kept pushing against their opponents. This culminated into a match which India won. This match has also ensured that the Indian men’s Hockey team goes to the Olympics after a very long time.

-         IOS Sports and Entertainment.

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