Thursday 31 May 2012

Mary Kom- London Dreams.

‘Queen of the ring’, ‘Magnificent Mary’, ‘Manipur’s Golden Girl’- are some of the words used to describe Indian boxing legend Mungte Chungneijang Mary Kom. Born into a poor farmer’s family in Manipur, Mary Kom realized her love for Boxing at an early age. And ever since, she overcame all odds and devoted her life to this passion.

 Today, five times World Women Boxing Champion MC Mary Kom has her eyes set on a lifelong fantasy- The Olympic Gold Medal. Being the first and only boxer representing India at the historic event, the mother-of-two talks to us (IOS Sports and Entertainment) about her calm and qualms.

2012 sees the debut of Women’s boxing in the Olympics. How do you feel about that?
Mary Kom: Representing India at the Olympics has always been a far-fetched dream. And now that Women’s Boxing has finally been introduced to the Olympics, it’s a dream come true. I am a five times World Champion but I am not happy with that, nobody knows me yet. If I win a medal at the Olympics, I’m sure I’ll gain more popularity and fame. I’ll also be fetching popularity for this sport in India.

 You returned empty-handed from the World Women Championship for the first time. How do you feel about that?
Mary Kom: It’s a game, it happens. This was the first time I faced a European boxer at Worlds and my first time in the 51kgs category. Also, at the Worlds, there were close to 55 boxers. As they were all present at the championship, getting through was tough. Even the top Chinese boxers in the 60 and 75kgs weren’t able to get through and qualify for the Olympics. Changing weights too, has been quite a challenge for me. I’ve had the chance to explore my potential. I would’ve been champion if I was fighting in the 48kgs. I have already defeated the champion from Philippines thrice so I believe I would have done so again.

Now that you’ve secured a berth in the London Olympics, what’s your plan of action? Have you begun training?
Mary Kom: Haven’t spared a moment! Olympics were always a top-priority event for me. I will be upgrading my training regime to sharpen my skills. I need to improve in every aspect of fighting; I will be doing more workouts and also work on my mental strength. I will be going to Patiala to train with the boys at the National Institute of Sports, Patiala. This should help me improve. As of now, I’ll be spending vacation time with my family for 10-15 days after which I’ll resume training.

What do you think is the one thing that differentiates you from your competitors?
Mary Kom: Firstly, I’m a mother of two (Laughs). I make sure that I remain active all the time. I give my 100%, no matter what. I believe I have seen and studied techniques of players from all over the world. Olympics will not be as tough as the Worlds as there’ll be select boxers there.
 Also, I feel that I have the blessings of my coach, my mentors, my beloved husband and my dear children. God too, is with me always. What else could I want?

You are an inspiration for women in India. How do you juggle your work and professional life? There are a lot of women out there seeking your advice. Any mantra?
Mary Kom: There’s no mantra as such. I was fortunate to have a cooperative family who was with me, no matter what. I never compromise my family for anything. I call my kids 5-6 times a day. They tell me they miss me, and I get emotional. But that just gives me strength to play. I do it all for my family.

You are a role model for millions. Who is YOUR role model?
Mary Kom: With Dinko Singh winning Gold in ’98 Asian games, boxing went through a new wave in Manipur. So, he’s always been a role model and an ardent encouragement to pursue my endeavor. Mohammed Ali is my role model too. I grew up watching him play and learnt a lot from him. I am also a fan of Mike Tyson. I never miss films featuring Mike Tyson or Mohammed Ali. 

How do you prepare yourself mentally before entering the ring?
Mary Kom: Focus and faith are two things that need to be set right before entering the ring. I have always devoted my every endeavor to God so I say a little prayer asking for focus and courage. It’s very important to stay composed in a ring.

Message for Women pursuing sports in India?
Mary Kom: A little hard work, strong will and determination is all it takes. Being a woman sports person is never easy. It takes a little courage. So my advice- Never take no for an answer. Beat all the odds!

Thanks a lot for sparing your valuable time and speaking to us. IOS wishes you all the best for the Olympics and all your future endeavors.
Mary Kom: Thank you! I’ll give my best.

                                                                     - IOS Sports and Entertainment.

Hockey in the Mansion.

We are proud to announce that our star hockey talent Sandeep Singh, Sardar Singh, Shivendra Singh and SV Sunil will now be endorsing the brand Mansion House.

In a press conference held on May 10th in Mumbai, Tilaknagar Industries Ltd introduced the IOS star players as its brand ambassadors. This tie-up managed by our team also strengthens and represents our support towards the Indian National Hockey team and their quest for victory in the upcoming London Olympics. It also represents the shift in attitude of corporates towards unappreciated talent, which always has been favoring cricket stars.

Keen to achieve victory in the upcoming Olympics, our players have been receiving support from many brands and companies for the same. The players' incredible energy in the Olympic qualifiers gathered us many endorsement offers- one of which was Mansion House.

According to the Deputy Managing Director of TI, Mr. K. Lakshmi Narsimhan, the brand Mansion House is based on the theme of ‘Have Courage’ and this spirit was strongly emphasized by Indian Hockey and its players. Their remarkable courage in the Olympic qualifiers proved a natural synergy between the players and the brand. 

Inspired by our team’s dedication and the players’ talent, TI took a step that was long due. This was the first time Tilaknagar Industries Ltd engaged with sporting celebrities to endorse their brand. This move marks the beginning of the phase of aggressive marketing for the 79-year old company that witnessed a robust growth in the last seven years. TI’s turnover rose from Rs. 50 crore in 2005 to Rs. 1100 crore in FY 2010-11.

In this press release, Mr. K Lakshmi Narasimhan also said that it was TI’s long term commitment to promote not just sports stars, but also unrecognized sports persons and they were thrilled to do so.

Arjuna award winner and IOS talent Sandeep Singh said that he was encouraged by TI’s support to the team. He said that this kind of support would help the growth of our national game. Sports persons are dependent on corporate sponsorships and as money starts flowing into the game, more youngsters would be encouraged to take up hockey full time.

 Mr. K Lakshmi Narasimhan concluded by saying that TI will always stand committed to promoting sports and will step up these promotional activities in the foreseeable future.
We thank Tilaknagar Industries Ltd. for their support towards promoting talent.
                                                                                           - IOS Sports and Entertainment.